The Friends I Made and the Zombies I Had To Kill To Get Them

Liz Baker, Writer 

Sloan Grant(s) Received: 2019, Screenwriting Award, Carnegie Mellon University 

Project Type: Feature 

Genre: Comedy, Sci-fi 

Length: 110 pages 

Field of Science: Computer Science, Epidemiology 

Stage: Development 


Every school day, Lu has one goal: survive in order to spend the rest of her time on her favorite zombie-hunting video game. When her stepdad-slash-vice-principal tries to disrupt her lone-wolf habits, she gets drawn into an ethically dubious scheme by her computer-expert crush to win the science fair’s cash prize. However, as the project takes on a life of its own, this simulation of a zombie-high apocalypse winds up thrusting Lu into the most dangerous red zone of them all: the spotlight of the entire school.